Monday, April 15, 2013

Poker Player: Phil Galfond

Phil Galfond,一位從虛擬線上撲克成功走向實體現金撲克桌的職業玩家。

如果你是位現上撲克玩家,Full Tilt/PokerStars/PartyPoker....等的線上撲克網站軟體是你每天必用的軟體。你不能不知道他-Phil Galfond。生涯撲克獲利超過1千萬美金,而其中超過八百萬美金的獲利來自於線上撲克。

生於1986年的一月16號,Glafond從小生長於美國馬里蘭州,學業成績不差,大學時期順利進入了美國知名的威斯康辛大學(University of Wisconsin-Madison)就讀。在Galfond的回憶裡,他年輕生涯充滿了和朋友間的小賭博,但也僅只於小賭對於他的撲克技巧並沒有太大的助益。然而,Galfond在2003年時挫學離開了威斯康辛大學,成為了一位職業撲克選手,開始了他不一樣的人生。

Galfond目前已經成為PLO(Pot limit Omaha)的頂尖玩家,同時專精於No limit Hold'em現金桌和錦標賽。但事實上,Galfond其實是從sng(Sit-n-go)小型錦標賽起家的,一路晉級至(PLO200/400,PLO500/1000)的超高額撲克現金桌。在著名的線上撲克黑色星期五之後,Galfond離開了線上撲克約有一年之久。但隨著PokerStars併購恢復了Full Tilt撲克站的營運後,大家又可以在這兩個著名站上看到Galfond在高額現金桌競賽的風采。Galfond在PokerStars/Full Tilt的註冊名稱分別為Mrsweets28/OMGClayAiken。



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Phil Galfond, One of poker players successfully steps forward from online player to live game.

If you are an online poker player, Full Tilt/PokerStars/PartyPoker are the softwares keeping on your desktop. You have to know him, Phil Galfond, career winning over 10 millions while 8 million gained from online poker site.

Born in 1986, Galfond grew up in North Potomac, Maryland. During his teenage time, Galfond had lots of gamble with his friends, but no serious improve his skill/knowledge there. Galfond entered University of Wisconsin-Madison after high school but it does not stay long that he dropped out for pursuing a professional poker career, the whole different life begin for him from then.

Galfond now is on the top list of PLO players, also masters in NL holdem and NL tournament. Actually, Galfond began to play poker on SNG(Sit-n-Go) then grow up to a complete player in high stake games (PLO200/400,PLO500/1000). Galfond left online poker for about 1 yr after black Friday just like most American players, as the PokerStars acquired  Full Tilt, Galfond returned to both sites and play by screen name as Mrsweets28/OMGClayAiken. Recently, His fans can watch his games on these two sites.

Galfond is one of the poker players with business mind, in 2009, Galfond established his own poker coach site-Bluefire by his renowned poker skill. Absolutely, he was the top coach in this site which still a leading coach site so far, Although he had left the site now, but the business model set up for poker pros is still imitated by new cominers.

The concept "G-bucks" proposed by Galfond in 2007 is one of epic articles for poker beginners, the content details several important thoughts in poker logic. The original format can be read through the following link:

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