Saturday, March 30, 2013

"100K challenge" by Acoimbra...

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"Acoimbra" one of professional poker players signed by PokerStars from Portugal. Acooimbra is always one passionate poker player and willing to setup goals to challenge himself. This year, 2013, he made a tough goal called "2013 Challenge" ( ) which he should start from bankroll with 100USD and grow up to 100k by the year-end only through multi-table tournaments. Acoimbra records his path through blog and his vlog almost everyday.Now he has reached 6,500USD on the 50th day. Let's cheer for him!

For more "Acoimbra" on 
在2013年,他為自己設定了"一年內由100美元(約3000台幣)贏得100,000美元(約300萬台幣)"的目標 並且只能透過多桌錦標賽來完成(。Acoimbra同時也認真的紀錄自己努力的過程於自己的blog中。目前進行到了第五十天,他的帳戶金已達到約6,500美元(約20萬台幣)了。大家一起為他加油吧!


Pokerrrr-The poker dealer@AppStore:

Thursday, March 28, 2013

You are in trouble!?!?

Let's see how 96 years old man play
你常常被對手的slowroll激怒嗎? 來看看96歲的老人教我們怎麼玩slow

Poker folks: Chris Moneymaker

Pic via: blarrykang

Chris Moneymaker, born in 1975, Atlanta USA. Before he made the great achievement on WSOP 2003. He was an financial controller at a restaurant group. Poker is just one of his interests during his leisure time, though he believes he has some potential being a professional poker player. 

The Summer, in 2003, a poker tournament dramatically changed Chris's life.

Chris won the champion of WSOP, before that, he was just a amateur player even obscure for the whole poker community. 

Accordingly, Chris spent 39USD to register in a satellite tournament of WSOP and won the ticket of WSOP 2003.
Finally, Chris won the bracelet of WSOP 2003 and was the very first person who won the title through online poker site, because of that, PokerStars/FullTilt/Partypoker.. online poker site was getting popular around the world!
The term "Moneymaker Effect" is created describing the online poker booming phenomenon.

"How an Amateur Poker Player Turned $40 into $2.5 Million at the World Series of Poker" is made by Chris, is one of epic books for many online poker players.


Chris Moneymaker, 生於1975年美國的亞特蘭大,在取得巨大的撲克成就之前,他只是一位財務人員任職於一個餐飲集團中。而撲克只是他閒暇之餘的娛樂,縱使他認為他擁有很大的撲克天分。


具考證,其實Chris其實是花了39美元參與了 PokerStars的WSOP門票衛星賽並贏得WSOP的參賽資格(大約價值10000美元)。Chris也是第一位在online撲克站贏得門票並取得WSOP世界大賽冠軍的人。也因如此,Chris造成了一股線上撲克風潮,PokerStars/FullTilt/Partypoker..等的線上撲客站因而受益風行全球。著名的"Moneymaker Effect"一詞就是描述2003年時因Chris而興起的線上撲克風潮而生。

"How an Amateur Poker Player Turned $40 into $2.5 Million at the World Series of Poker"一書描述了他如何在線上撲克上投入40美元取得世界撲克大賽門票,並進而贏得250萬美元的故事。此書也成為鼓勵許多撲克玩家繼續往職業撲克這條路努力的動力。

More info about Chris Moneymaker:

Will you rescue a friend just bust on the poker table?

What will you do to rescue a friend just bust on the poker table?


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